Cory Thiel

Interests: Pet Business, Hamster Selection, Habitat Setup, Pet Shop Insights

As a dedicated pet shop owner specializing in hamsters, Cory Thiel brings a wealth of expertise to our readers. His passion for these small creatures is reflected in his insightful advice on selecting the ideal hamster and creating the perfect environment for them. With his vast experience and love for these furry friends, he offers authoritative guidance for both new and seasoned hamster owners.

Articles By This Author

Not Just Any Old Bedding: Choosing the Best Hamster Bedding for Comfort and Hygiene
Hamster Habitats Hamster Care

Not Just Any Old Bedding: Choosing the Best Hamster Bedding for Comfort and Hygiene

This blog post delves into the crucial role of hamster bedding for both comfort and hygiene. It explores different types of bedding and offers expert advice on selecting the best option. Additionally, it shares practical tips for maintaining a clean and cozy hamster habitat.

Creating a Hamster Paradise: The Ideal Hamster Cage Setup
Hamster Habitats Hamster Accessories

Creating a Hamster Paradise: The Ideal Hamster Cage Setup

Uncover the art of creating a hamster paradise in our latest blog post. Dive into the essentials of hamster care, from understanding your hamster's needs to choosing the perfect cage. Explore cage components, setup steps, and fun enrichment items. Plus, learn vital cleaning and maintenance tips for your furry friend's habitat.