Elvis Harris

Interests: Veterinary Medicine, Hamster Health, Preventative Care, Animal Wellness

Elvis Harris, an experienced veterinarian with a special affection for hamsters, lends his extensive professional knowledge to Hamster Now. He delivers trusted insights on hamster health, prevalent diseases, and preventive care to our readers.

Articles By This Author

Senior Hamster Care: Tips for Caring for Your Aging Furry Friend
Hamster Care Hamster Aging

Senior Hamster Care: Tips for Caring for Your Aging Furry Friend

Caring for an aging hamster requires understanding and adjustments. Our guide offers valuable insights, from recognizing age-related signs to optimizing habitats. Learn about proper bedding, diet, and activities to keep your senior hamster comfortable and healthy.

Hamster vs Gerbil: A Comprehensive Comparison for Potential Pet Owners
Hamster Care Hamster Breeds

Hamster vs Gerbil: A Comprehensive Comparison for Potential Pet Owners

Explore the nuances between owning a hamster or gerbil in this comprehensive guide. Delve into the lifespan of dwarf hamsters, special care for long-haired breeds, and creating the perfect habitat. Get insights that help you make the best pet choice.

Architects of the Rodent World: Understanding and Building the Perfect Hamster Maze
Hamster Habitats Hamster Fun

Architects of the Rodent World: Understanding and Building the Perfect Hamster Maze

Uncover the art of designing the perfect hamster maze. This post delves into hamster psychology, the benefits of mazes for hamster well-being, and a step-by-step guide to creating a safe and engaging maze. Get inspired with design ideas and understand the role of mazes in enhancing your pet's life.